CE Project Agreement for I-B-4 (001)

Create a new trustee orientation program

Word version of this agreement

Each year new members are added to the library board. A new trustee orientation program provides background new members need to usefully participate in board decisions and work.

Core skill: I-B-4: organize and/or conduct an orientation program for new library board members.

Eligible participants: Library directors and trustees

Repeatable?: No

Learning component: Attend a CE event or read the following essays.

  • Chapter 2 in Trustees and Librarians Working Together by Jim Swan.

  • Frank Carlson Library Trustee Manual (CE Project I-B-4 (001) in CE Projects Collection)

  • Port Library “trustee orientation” packet (CE Project I-B-4 (001) in CE Projects Collection)

  • Belleville Library “trustee orientation” packet (CE Project I-B-4 (001) in CE Projects Collection)

  • "Funding sources of Belleville Public Library" Word document

  • Outline of "Plainville Memorial Library New Trustee Orientation" talk at tinyurl.com/4a9vt2

  • Orientation of new trustees at tinyurl.com/2sqo73 (Wayback)
  • “Responsibilities of library boards and directors” at tinyurl.com/2jlxb5 (Wayback)
  • “Board organization” at tinyurl.com/yoc3hy (Wayback)

  • “Library policies” at tinyurl.com/ystl92 (Wayback)
  • “Effective board meetings” at tinyurl.com/2es5x9 (Wayback)

  • “Budgeting issues for library trustees” at tinyurl.com/yq2l35 (Wayback)

  • Kansas Statute 12-1225 at tinyurl.com/ys5jlg

  • “Legal responsibilities of library boards” at tinyurl.com/2hasr6 (Wayback)

  • Do you want help from a CKLS consultant?
    ___ No help needed.
    ___ Yes, modify project agreement
    ___ Yes, suggest other readings or learning
    ___ Yes, early preparation visit
    ___ Yes, one-on-one coaching through activity
    ___ Yes, other: _______________________________

Library work component:

  1. Participants read learning materials identifying what information new board members need.

  2. Copy or create documents that provide this information and place them in a three-ring binder.

  3. Write an outline of what the librarian will tell new board members during orientation.

  4. When new board members arrive in May give them a copy of the binder and use the outline to give an orientation to new trustees.

  5. For credit, mail the following documents to the CKLS Head of Continuing Education.

    • A table of contents of the documents in the new trustee packet or manual.

    • Copies of the documents unique to your library.

    • The outline of what the librarian tells new trustees.

    • Filled CE Project Agreement Evaluation form. (Word document)


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