I-B: Laws, Standards, Governance

A public library director or library staff member is able to:

  1. articulate the role and function of local, regional and state government agencies

  2. comply with Kansas statutes and federal laws that pertain to Kansas libraries

  3. 001 - Learn Kansas library law

  4. design and implement an ongoing strategic planning process for the library

  5. organize and/or conduct an orientation program for new library board members

  6. 001 - Create a trustee orientation program

  7. inform the library board about matters relating to its responsibilities and motivate trustees to:

    1. work effectively with the library administration

    2. help the board function effectively

    3. develop effective public support for the library

    4. assess and adopt policy

    5. 001 - Review library policies

    6. plan for the future needs of the library

CS2 – Trustees shall have the skills to enable the library board to function effectively through good board organization, good documentation and new trustee orientation.

CS5 – Trustees shall facilitate an ongoing process of strategic planning for the library and will determine their community’s future needs for library facilities, collections and information access.


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