Economics of the new CE Program

Here are some ways to maximize your earning of the CE portion of CKLS' incentive grant.

  1. Travel money and time can be saved by completing CE Projects Agreements back at the library without attending workshops. Completing a CE Project Agreement on your own earns $100.
  2. Each CE Project Agreement states who is eligible to complete this project. When librarians and trustees complete CE Project Agreements allowing librarians and trustees to work together, the library earns $200 of the CE portion of CKLS' incentive grant.
  3. Librarians or trustees earn $50 by attending a CKLS CE event. Librarians and trustees can earn an additional $50 for each CE Project Agreement related to that workshop. For example, a librarian attends on workshop that teaches 3 skills. The librarian can earn $200 for that workshop by attending the workshop ($50) and completing three projects that applies the workshop learning to the library ($50 X 3 = $150).


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