CE Project Agreement for II-A-4 (001)

Make a big decision

Word version of this agreement

Learn techniques weighing important factors in making decisions and try one technique to make an important decision for your library.

Name of library:

Today’s date:

Proposed completion date:

Core skill: II-A-4: utilize decision making and problem solving techniques

Eligible participants: Librarians and trustees

Repeatable?: Yes, for two years in a row then skip a year. This project is counted separate from “Solving a Problem”, #II-A-4(002).

Learning component: Attend a CE event or reading the following essays.

Do you want help from CKLS consultant?
___ No help needed.
___ Yes, modify project agreement
___ Yes, suggest other readings or learning
___ Yes, early preparation visit
___ Yes, one-on-one coaching through activity
___ Yes, other: _______________________________

Library work component:

  1. Participants read learning materials.
  2. Choose the appropriate decision making technique for a big decision the librarian or board needs to make.
  3. Carefully reread the chosen technique.
  4. Use that technique to make a decision.
  5. For credit, write a one-page essay describing:

    • What decision was made
    • Why the technique was selected for deciding this issue
    • How the technique helped or hurt making the decision
    • Submit a filled out CE Project Agreement Evaluation form (Word document)


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