CE Project Agreement for III-A-3 (002)

Create Spanish-language signs and forms

Word version of this agreement

Purpose: Provide Spanish-language signs and forms to help Spanish speakers use the library.

Name of library:

Today’s date:

Proposed completion date:

Core skill: III-A-3 establish a welcoming environment that encourages active use of library services by the public with convenient public servies, effective study areas, convenient traffic flow and excellent signage.

Eligible participants: Librarians

Repeatable?: No.

Do you want help from a CKLS consultant?
___ No help needed.
___ Yes, modify project agreement
___ Yes, suggest other readings or learning
___ Yes, early preparation visit
___ Yes, one-on-one coaching through activity
___ Yes, other: _______________________________

Learning component:

Attend a CE event on reviewing library policy or read the following materials.

Look at the following Web sites.

Library work component:

  1. Create Spanish-language versions of your major interior library signs.
  2. For readability, signs should have the following characteristics.
    • Letters are in a san-serif font.
    • Letters are 1” high for every 50’ of desired visibility.
    • High contrast between the letters and the background.
    • Width-to-height ratio of signs are between 3-to-5 and 1-to-2.
    • Letters and numbers have a width to height ratio of 1-to-5 and 1-to-10.

  3. Post these up in your library.

    For visibility, signs should have the following characteristics.

    • Signs are perpendicular to the route of travel.
    • Wall and door signs are 60” above floor.
    • Signs hanging from ceiling are at least 80” above the floor, with letters at least 3” high.

  4. To obtain credit, submit the following items.
    • A list of all the Spanish signs created with English translations.
    • A copy of the Spanish-language library card application.
    • A copy of the Spanish-language library policies. (CKLS will translate if no one local can.)
    • If you have a patron Internet use agreement, then send a copy of the Spanish-language Internet-use agreement. (CKLS will translate if no one local can.)
    • A filled out CE Project Agreement Evaluation form (Word document)


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