Inventory a collection
Word version of this agreementPurpose: Learn to use a shelf list for inventorying library collections or, if the library shelf list is poor or does not exist, how to create a shelf list for future inventories.Name of library:Proposed completion date:Core skill: III-A-4: “perform library operations including circulation, reference, interlibrary loan, reserves, registration of borrowers, collection management, computer maintenance and inventory control.”Eligible participants: LibrariansRepeatable?: The same librarian can not repeat this project.Do you want help from a CKLS consultant?
___ No help needed.
___ Yes, modify project agreement
___ Yes, suggest other readings or learning
___ Yes, early preparation visit
___ Yes, one-on-one coaching through activity
___ Yes, other: _______________________________
Learning component:Attend a CE event or read the following materials.
- Read "Why Inventory" at
- If the library has an automated catalog, read the "inventory" instructions in the automation system's official manual. Ignore the other readings below.
- Read “Library collection inventory with card shelf-list” for libraries with well-maintained shelf-list at (Word document)
- Work the following module.
- Print out the following sheets.
- Spines of books of fiction and nonfiction shelves at (Word document)
- Spines of books in other areas at (Word document)
- Fiction shelf-list at (Word document)
- Nonfiction shelf-list at (Word document)
- Follow the directions on the Self-list sheets to inventory book spines on shelves.
- Check your results
- Read “Creating a shelf list with a spreadsheet” for libraries with a poorly-maintained or no shelf list can create a shelf list with a spreadsheet at (Word document)
- Read “Creating a shelf list with LibraryThing” for libraries with a poorly-maintained or no shelf-list can create a shelf-list with LibraryThing at (Word document)
- Follow one of the sets of directions below.
- If the library’s catalog is automated then follow the inventory directions in the manual.
- If the shelf-list is well-maintained, then follow the “Library collection inventory with card shelf-list” instructions in the Learning Component above.
- If the shelf-list is poorly maintained or non-existent, then follow the “Creating a shelf list with a spreadsheet” instructions in the Learning Component above. A partially created spreadsheet shelflist can be retrieved at (Excel document).
- If you would like to try put up an online catalog with LibraryThing, then follow “Creating a shelf list with LibraryThing” instructions in the Learning Component above.
- Use the Inventory Chart at (Word document) to mark progress through the collection.
- Use the Bookmarks for weeding and inventory at (Word document) to mark those items that need specific kinds of attention other than inventorying.
- To receive credit for completing this project do the following.
- If the library is automated, submit one inventory report.
- If the instructions for a well-maintained shelf-list were used, then submit a copy of the Inventory Chart at (Word document) to show which sections were inventoried.
- If shelf-lists were created on spreadsheets, then email the spreadsheets as an attachment for the CKLS head of continuing Education.
- If an online catalog with LibraryThing was created, then email the URL to the catalog to the CKLS Head of Continuing Education.
- A filled out CE Project Agreement Evaluation form (Word document)
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