CE Project Agreement for VII-G-2 (002)

Teach patrons to use online databases

Word version of this document

Learn how to promote and teach patrons to use online databases available through the State Library of Kansas at tinyurl.com/6hn6zd

Core skill:
VII-G-2: "Teach library users how to access and use online resources."

Eligible participants:

Repeatable?: Yes. Three times for three different databases at a time.

Learning component: Attend a CE event or read the following materials.

  • YouTube video discussion of Google vs. Databases

  • YouTube videos explaining Boolean searching

    • A librarian explains to a patron how to search library databases at tinyurl.com/5db5tk.

    • Quiet little demonstration of boolean searching at tinyurl.com/685nqf

    • "Epicurean fantasy" explaining how to use parenthesis to combine AND and OR into one search statement: treatment AND (tennis elbow OR lateral epicondylitis) at tinyurl.com/6m2c27

  • ChiltonLibrary.com training and marketing materials at tinyurl.com/5hcre8

  • NoveList training and marketing materials at tinyurl.com/5wbqmj

  • Health Source - Consumer Edition training at tinyurl.com/5a2ouc

  • Health and Wellness Resource Center help at tinyurl.com/6muzw7

  • Do you want help from a CKLS consultant?
    ___ No help needed.
    ___ Yes, modify project agreement
    ___ Yes, suggest other readings or learning
    ___ Yes, early preparation visit
    ___ Yes, one-on-one coaching through activity
    ___ Yes, other: _______________________________

Library work component:
  1. Read or watch the Learning Component materials on Google vs. Databases, boolean searching and how to teach computer classes.

  2. Select the specific databases you want to teach.

  3. Read the training materials about those specific databases.

  4. Print out the promotional material for the specific databases you will be teaching and post them in the appropriate places in your library.

  5. Go to State Library of Kansas online databases at tinyurl.com/6hn6zd.


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