Picturing America Poster report for Courtland Community Library

The Courtland Community Library displayed the posters on the walls of the library. The posters were rotated so that during the September 2008 – April 2009 period every poster was displayed. The information booklet that accompanied the posters was on display so patrons could look up information about the works they were viewing.

The posters were displayed at the Courtland Arts Center for 2 weeks in November 2008. During that time the Courtland Arts Council and the Courtland Community Library held an event that celebrated America. Two singing groups performed with the pictures as their back ground. Jackie Reed, Courtland Library Trustee, spoke about the art displayed.

Newspaper articles
The Courtland Journal published articles about these programs on November 13, 2008 and November 20, 2008. Copies of these articles can be obtained from Chris Rippel.


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