CE Project Agreement for V-C-2 (001)

Start a Friends of the Library Group

Word version of this document

Purpose: Learn the purpose and how to start a Friends Group

Core skill: V-C-2 Leverage community support, including trustees and library groups, to build support for public libraries at the local, state and national level.

Eligible participants: Librarians and trustees

Repeatable?: No

Do you want help from a CKLS consultant?
___ No help needed.
___ Yes, modify project agreement
___ Yes, suggest other readings or learning
___ Yes, early preparation visit
___ Yes, one-on-one coaching through activity
___ Yes, other: _______________________________

Learning component: Attend a workshop or read the following materials.

Library work component:
  1. To receive CE credit, submit the following

    • Bylaws or Constitution

    • List of new officers

    • Brochure for membership drive describing the purpose of the group, etc.

    • List of goals for upcoming year


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