Clueless Mystery Dicsussion Group Bi-Laws

ARTICLE I - Group Established

  1. The name of the group shall be the Clueless Mystery Discussion Group.

  2. The group shall be an affiliate of the Frank Carlson Library.

  3. The group leader shall be a staff member of the Frank Carlson Library.
ARTICLE II - Group Purpose

The general purpose of Clueless Mystery Discussion Group shall be:
  1. To provide enjoyment of reading mystery/thriller/suspense books.

  2. To provide comradeship with others who share a similar taste in reading.
ARTICLE III - Membership
  1. The membership of clueless Discussion Group shall be limited to twelve persons.

  2. Members are governed by the bi-laws.
ARTICLE IV - Meetings
  1. The group shall meet September through May each year.

  2. Book discussion will not take place the months of September and December. A group gathering will be held those months, however.

  3. Meetings shall be held in the Frank Carlson Room of the Frank Carlson Library unless otherwise stated.

  4. Meeting time shall be at 7:00 p.m. the second Monday of the month unless otherwise stated.
ARTICLE V - Attendance
  1. Attendance is expected at all meetings.

  2. Roll will be taken at each meeting.

  3. Members are expected to notify the library if attendance is not possible at a forthcoming meeting.

  4. A member missing three meetings during the group year will be asked to relinquish membership in the group in order to allow new members the opportunity to join.
ARTICLE VI - Book Sharing
  1. Each month a member will share a book to read with another member and will remain that member's book budy throughout the group year.
ARTICLE VII Book Reading
  1. Members are expected to read the month's selection.

  2. Members are to have tolerance for book selections.

  3. Book discussions cannot take place if the member do not read the books.

  4. Prior to the group year, members have the opportunity to suggest book titles/authors for the next group year.

  5. Final selection will rest with the group leader.


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