Formoso Public Library "Create a budget" CE Project report

by Barbara Langston

  1. The librarian and members of the Formoso Public Library Board of Trustees met with Chris Rippel twice and learned about budgeting and library laws pertaining to budgeting.
  2. A budget committee consisting of Barb Langston, Ruth Fleming (Board Chair), and Nancy Spiegel (Board Treasurer) met and made out a budget encompassing the realities of library needs and the wishes of the Formoso Public Library Board of Trustees.
  3. The budget was shown to the Formoso City Clerk. She told the librarian that there was no chance for an increase from the city for 2010.
  4. The budget committee decided to keep the budget much the same as the previous budget.
  5. Nancy Spiegel presented the budget to the Formoso Public Library Board of Trustees.
  6. The Formoso Public Library Board of Trustees approved the budget.
  7. Nancy Spiegel presented the budget to the Formoso City Council.
  8. The Formoso City Council approved the budget.
Who was involved
  • Barbara Langston, Librarian
  • Ruth Fleming, Board Chair
  • Nancy Spiegel, Board Treasurer
  • Janelle Spiegel, Board Secretary
  • Phyllis Hurd, Board Vice Chair
  • LaVernia Peters, Mayor
  • Elaine Watson, City Clerk (Substitute Librarian)
How well it worked

It was a smooth process. The limited funds have to go to necessities and so the choices are very limited.


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