Courtland Community Library "Create a budget" CE Project report

by Barbara Langston

The Courtland Library Board met with Chris Rippel at the Formoso Fire Hall, Formoso, Kansas in January 2009. Budgeting and law’s pertaining to libraries and budget were discussed. The board listed needs and wants of the library.

Chris handed out reading materials.

The board discussed budgeting and goals at their regular January 2009 board meeting.

The librarian made a proposed budget and presented it to the board during the regular March 2009 meeting. The board approved the budget for the purposes of the budgeting class.

The board met with Chris Rippel at the Courtland Community Library in April 2009. The board asked Chris questions relating to budgets and budgeting law.

The librarian revised the budget and presented it to the board at the regular May 2009 meeting. The board approved the proposed budget and sent it to the city clerk. The Courtland City Council approved the budget in July 2009.

Those involved were Barbara Langston, Janet Nelson, Delbert Johnson, Pat Dinning, Linda Tebow and Linda Garman.

The board was not as involved in the process as they should have been and probably do not understand enough about budgeting to be a proactive board.


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