Long Island "Create READ posters" CE Project report by Beth Ponstein

The purpose of our READ poster was to make a nice prize for the summer reading kids to take home. I thought they would enjoy a professional looking poster with their picture on it. They seemed excited about it, and their parents, even more so. It’s my goal to get kids into the library, and reading more. So perhaps, if they have a nice poster of themselves in the library, they’ll want to come in and show it off to their friends.

Our models were the kids from our summer reading program. I asked them if they wanted their pictures taken and they said, “Sure!” I took the picture during summer reading in our library. They each held a book. I took the picture and created the poster.

Each of the kids in the picture got an 8 x 10 of the finished poster. We have a poster hanging in our library. We showed all the parents, and anyone else who came in the library.

If other people want to create a Read poster, I have all the information and directions to follow. It’s really a fun project!

Beth Ponstein
Long Island Library


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