Port Library in Beloit "Create a READ poster" report by Rachel Malay

I created a READ poster earlier this spring at a workshop hosted at the Port Library.

I used a very old picture of my sister and I that I had previously scanned in, and was in a Facebook photo album. I just downloaded the photo to the local computer (laptop). I didn't use any extra props in addition to what was already in the picture: some fabulous sunglasses. The picture was from my childhood; I believe my sister and I were about 4 or 5 at the time. The picture was taken by my mom.

I chose the picture because the models were cute (no narcissism meant!) and the background was in high contrast to the models. I also chose that picture because a caption popped into my mind the instant I saw it. None of the backgrounds seemed right, so I started exploring what else was on the ALA READ! CD.

I found the wallpaper/background (perfect!), but the "READ" was already in another ready-made background. So, I just deleted everything from the ready-made background except the word "READ", added the wallpaper I had found, and added a caption at the bottom in a matching font and color.

I sent the poster to my Mom, who put it up in her library. You can see the poster in the background of a video they made as part of an online teen summer library program. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Spq-Z_Suw. I would love to repeat the project and take some more time to make a whole advertising campaign around it. But that would have to be carefully planned, as my time is currently limited.

Rachel Malay
Youth Services
Port Library


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