Basic Questions for Discussion

After reading your book, you may want to consider some of these questions, and any others you may think of. Being prepared to contribute to the discussion will make being a part of your group more enjoyable for you and others.

  • What is the book about?

  • What seems to be the important themes?

  • Is this book driven primarily by plot, by an idea, or by its characters?

  • What are the main character's distinguishing characteristics? Do you admire or dislike them? Who are the secondary characters? Who is you favorite character and why?

  • Describe the interaction among the major characters. What is the most important relationship in the book?

  • Do you think any of the characters should have reacted differently in any particular scenes? How would you have reacted?

  • What is your favorite scene in the book and why?

  • What was the most revealing scene in the book? Does it further the action of the book?

  • Are there any flaws in the story?

  • What would you change about the book?

  • Are any events in the book relevant to your own life? If so, did this book change the way you might react in any similar situations in your own life?

  • Would you recommend this book to another reader? Why or why not?


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