"Create a READ poster" report by Library Director Lynell Sheahan

The model in my poster was myself, the picture taken by Mary Ann June at the READ meeting. I had a picture of a Library built in the year 500 A.D. that was taken in Epheses, Turkey when we visited there in 2006. I decided to use the Adobe Photoshop Elements program to place myself in one of the doorways. (To this day I am sorry I did not actually climb the steps and go in, as many others were doing.)

Mary Ann June took a picture of me holding a book, and using the Magic Extractor in the Adobe Photoshop Elements program, I placed myself in the entrance at the top of the stairs. I used the program to type in the words of the theme, Reading Takes You Back in Time.

The theme was to help folks visualize the places one can travel by reading, both going back in time and/or distance. The picture in Turkey showed both, as the Library is still there, but it also helped to visualize the distant past.

The other picture was just distance, taken in 2007 on a cliff in southeastern Ireland when we visited there. Mary Ann June took a picture of me sitting on the floor reading a book and using the Adobe Photoshop Elements program, we placed me on the edge of a cliff in Ireland. It also shows how the hobby of reading can travel with you even to faraway places.

I took the pictures to the local coffee shop, showing them to the “regulars”. That gave me an opening to talk with them about the Photoshop Program and also about possibly selecting a book for a discussion group.


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