Sponsoring a local author

This is a Library Project to honor one of our library patrons who is past 95 years old and is still reading books and magazines from our library.

He is a retired school teacher from our local system. When computers and scanners and digital cameras were developed he learned to use them. He then put his poetry into cards he designed. He also took old school pictures, scanned them and put them down town for folks to see and reminisce over.

Because of this advanced age and his considerable talents, the Library Board of Trustees agreed to honor him by making a poster of some of his poetry and place it on display at the Bi-annual Randall Rural High School Reunion, then moving it to the Library to be on display so others could also see and appreciate.

The copies of the poetry were displayed on colorful background and mounted on a large tri-fold poster board. This was placed on a free-standing easel to move from school to library.

Skills involved were public relations, as it was not difficult to get copies and put together a poster, then moving it from the School to the library.

Librarian Lynell Sheahan
Randall Public Library


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